V okviru dogodka DAN SOSEDA vam bomo v živo predstavili delovanje celotnega krožnega sistema HISHKA na lokaciji Centra Rog.
HISHKA k·rog #1 – Completed
HISHKA k·rog – 1st round krog means circle in Slovenian Shortly before the holiday week, we successfully completed the first round of our Hishka Circle
Live demonstration of the Digital Estimation Tool HISHKA k·rog #1!
We are pleased to announce that we have successfully preformed the first live demonstration of the Digital Estimation Tool!
k.rog #1 – Vljudno vabljeni | Kindly Invited
Predstavitev krožnega sistema in blagovne znamke HISHKA! Presentation of the circular system and the new HISHKA brand! V kolikor se vam zdi, da tudi vaš otrok izjemno hitro prerašča oblačila, če vam obstoječe opcije rabljenih kosov…
Uncover the hidden value of your pre-loved fashion treasures!
The release of Digital Estimation Tool We are proud to announce the release of our new product Digital Estimation Tool © The development of the tool was co-funded by the European Union’s Single Market Programme in…
New York, New York! Big City of Dreams.
Hishka traveled across the ocean for the first time. The aim of the research trip was to establish cooperation, network, make new contacts, present the Hishka brand and obtain initial reactions to the Hishka brand on…